What is "Boxes of Hope?"

Boxes of Hope is a tangible way for us to stretch out a hand to those that are affected either through illness, quarantine, or just the uncertainty of this time. The world all around us may change, but God’s love remains the same, and this is the hope that we have to share.


  • PRAY

    In this time prayer is more of a critical priority than ever before. We need partners who value prayer and are willing to invest their time  in praying for this effort. Would you partner with us to pray for at least 30 minutes a week for this project?

  • GIVE

    Another way you can jump in, is by giving, and here are a couple

    of ways you can do just that:

              1. The first and most obvious way is to give financially. You can give at                          boxes.HopeCityMinistries.com.

              2. You could also give products from the list. We will be receiving                                   items Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2pm to 6pm. The

                   dropoff location is 3930 Fleet St, Baltimore, MD 21224.

  • DO

    One of the things that people often think in the midst of a crisis is, “I wish there was something I could do.” Actually, there are several ways you can get involved:

               1. Volunteer to receive products at our drop off sight.

               2. Volunteer to pack boxes for delivery.

               3. Volunteer to be a driver to deliver boxes to those in need.


Thank you in advance for being a part of our support team. You are making a difference in the lives of people all over Baltimore in a VERY practical way.


Here are some helpful resources for you to print and use.


    Here is a complete list of what we would like to include in the boxes. We wanted to drop this in a file so that you could download and share as you please. Just click on the above photo, and you will be able to download the appropriate information.


    Above is a printable document that explains how you can get involved. Feel free to print it and share it with others who may be looking for information but do not have access to the internet. (Or maybe they just don't like using all of this fancy technology. 😉 )

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